War of the daleks

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His fate is left open when his data is either erased from the disintegrator or transmatted across space to a safe location. Davros is placed in a disintegration chamber and his atoms dispersed. Prior to his downfall he had implanted a Spider Dalek as a spy amongst the Dalek Prime's forces. With his faction defeated, Davros is sentenced to death by matter dispersal. The Doctor discovers a planted device on board the TARDIS which would allow the Daleks to survive in case the Dalek Prime failed. In the meantime he releases the Doctor to leave Skaro. Initiating a final civil war on Skaro, the Dalek Prime has all the Davros loyalists revealed and exterminated. Since Davros's return the Dalek Prime has met considerable resistance with a number of Davros loyalists forming. Before landing on Skaro, the Doctor discovers that the coordinates he believed were Skaro's were actually those of the planet Antalin. A force of Daleks then arrive and take the Doctor and Davros, along with other characters, to Skaro. A group of Thals arrive they want Davros to alter their species so they will be better able to fight the Daleks.

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The story opens up with the Doctor and Sam in the TARDIS doing some maintenance when they are collected by a ship which holds an escape pod containing Davros.